
Ege University, Faculty of Tourism, Çeşme, İzmir

Address: Dalyan, Üniversite, 4202. Sk. No:53, 35930 Çeşme/İzmir

The event venue is located 100 km from İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport, with a convenient travel time of 1 hour 17 minutes by car.



Çeşme, a district of İzmir province, holds a significant place among the 12 Ionian Cities that were part of the Ionian Civilization in history.
The settlement in Çeşme, which includes Alaçatı, a burgeoning area of İzmir in recent years, is believed to have been initiated by the Cretans. Initially governed by Tyrants and then the Lydians, the region later came under Persian rule before eventually being integrated into Turkish governance. Despite periods of Greek occupation, Çeşme stands today as a historical and tourist destination within Izmir, showcasing remnants of various civilizations throughout its rich history. Its extensive historical background offers a plethora of sites to explore.
Noteworthy attractions in Çeşme include Çeşme Castle, Çeşme Archaeology Museum, Alaçatı, the Erythrai Ancient City Germiyan Village and Pazaryeri Mosque.


Çeşme Castle, a historical emblem of Cesme boasting a 500-year-old legacy, stands as an essential landmark you won't want to miss when exploring Çesme. Throughout its existence, the castle has retained its formidable strength, serving as a testament to Cesme's enduring history.
In eras predating Turkish control over the Aegean Sea, the region was vulnerable to pirate raids. To safeguard against such threats, settlements emerged inland within Çesme's territory. During the Ottoman Empire's reign, Cesme faced attacks from the Venetian fleet in 1472 and 1501. In response to these threats, Çesme Castle was erected in 1508 under the rule of Bayezid II, blending Genoese and Ottoman architectural influences as a defensive measure.
Originally situated along the coastline, the castle now stands slightly inland due to the gradual filling of the beach over time. Despite its relocation, Çesme Castle remains a prominent symbol of Cesme's resilience and historical significance. 
The castle is located 4.4 kilometers from our hotel, with a convenient travel time of 9 minutes by car.




The archaeological exhibition halls housed within Çeşme Castle showcase a rich array of artifacts sourced from the excavations of both the Ancient City of Erythrai (Ildırı) and the Çeşme-Bağlararası Bronze Age Settlement. Among the captivating exhibits are figurines, oil lamps, glass vessels, sculptures, and coins spanning various historical epochs.
A prominent feature of the museum is its chronological exhibit of amphorae. These amphoras, revered for their utility in transporting and storing commodities such as grains, olive oil, and wine, played a pivotal role in ancient trade networks, offering insights into the economic dynamics of bygone eras.
The museum is located 4.4 kilometers from our hotel, with a convenient travel time of 9 minutes by car.




Erythrai, situated 26 km from Çesme's center, graces a picturesque bay adorned with small islands. This ancient settlement resides within the village of Ildırı, Çesme, on the İzmir Karaburun peninsula, approximately 60 km from İzmir city. Historical evidence suggests its establishment by colonists led by Erythoros around 3000 BC, marking the city's early origins under monarchic rule.
Among the notable remnants in Ildırı are the well-preserved city walls, providing a tangible link to its ancient past. Additionally, visitors can explore the Acropolis, the northern theater, and Hellenistic-Roman mansion structures. The site also hosts the Archaic-era Athena Temple, a Byzantine-era church, and a Late Roman-Byzantine bathhouse, along with a Roman villa showcasing intricate mosaics, all nestled in the scenic heights of Cennet Tepe.
The ancient city is located 26 kilometers from our hotel, with a convenient travel time of 34 minutes by car.



Alaçatı'da Ne Yenir, Nerede Yenir: En İyi 10 Restoran

Alaçatı, nestled within the Çeşme district of İzmir province, stands out as a premier holiday destination and tourism hub in the Aegean Region, gaining popularity in recent years. Renowned for its refreshing sea breeze and milder climate compared to the Mediterranean, Alaçatı boasts cooler and less saline seawater, making it an attractive spot for travelers seeking respite from the summer heat. This charming town, characterized by vibrant stone houses and bustling streets, has garnered attention not only from Turkish celebrities but also from windsurfing aficionados worldwide. In the mid-19th century, an outbreak of malaria afflicted the village of Alacaat, particularly in its marshy southern region. To mitigate the issue, Ottoman architect Hacı Memiş and Greek laborers were enlisted to construct a canal, draining the swamp and facilitating settlement. Following these efforts, Alacati flourished into a thriving community, inhabited by 45 thousand people, predominantly Greeks. Most of the iconic stone houses in Alaçatı, constructed between 1850 and 1902, boast unique features owing to the locally sourced "Alaçatı stone." These homes, influenced by Greek architecture, typically feature bay windows and two floors, offering warmth in winter and coolness in summer. Following the Ottoman Empire's defeat in the 1912 Balkan War, immigrants fleeing the Balkans sought refuge in Alaçatı, prompting the departure of Greek inhabitants. The local economy, initially dependent on viticulture, diversified with the arrival of immigrants from Crete, Yugoslavia, Thessaloniki, and Macedonia, leading to the cultivation of tobacco, olives, artichokes, anise, and citrus fruits.


During the summer months, Alaçatı Bay becomes a magnet for surfers due to the prevailing north and north-west winds, which reach speeds of 60 to 70 km per hour. Its shallow, waveless sea and consistent winds have propelled Alaçatı to the forefront of the global surfing scene, attracting both amateur enthusiasts and seasoned professionals. The iconic windmills, emblematic of Alaçatı's landscape and a testament to its historical significance, stand as enduring symbols of the town's past and enduring charm.
The town is located 11.5 kilometers from our hotel, with a convenient travel time of 15 minutes by car.



Alaçatı Pazaryeri Camii - Alaçatı

The Alaçatı Pazaryeri Mosque, an iconic landmark encountered by all visitors to Alaçatı, has a rich history that reflects the region's cultural diversity. Originally constructed as a Greek church in the late 19th century, the mosque retains its historic charm while serving as a place of worship today.
Featuring three naves and a basilica layout, the building was crafted using the masonry rubble stone technique. A later addition, the minaret, crafted from cut stone, boasts a single balcony. What distinguishes the Alaçatı Pazaryeri Mosque is the presence of a curtain inside, concealing a section that visitors can explore—a former church accessible during Muslim prayer times, symbolizing a spirit of tolerance and coexistence.
This unique feature underscores the mosque's transformation from a church to a mosque, embodying principles of acceptance and understanding. The curtain inside the mosque opens automatically, allowing visitors to witness this harmonious cohabitation of Muslim and Christian heritage. Originally commencing construction in the 1830s and consecrated as a church in 1874, the mosque underwent conversion following the Republic's declaration.
The mosque is located 11.5 kilometers from our hotel, with a convenient travel time of 15 minutes by car.



Çeşme de bir büyük şölen daha yola çıkıyor!

Germiyan Village holds the distinction of being the inaugural settlement in Turkey to embrace the Slow Food movement—a global initiative conceived in response to the proliferation of fast-food culture. Unlike fast food, which is often associated with health hazards and detrimental effects on well-being, the Slow Food movement champions locally sourced ingredients and traditional culinary practices.
By prioritizing regional products over mass-produced, imported goods, Slow Food promotes "Good, clean, and fair food" as its guiding principle. This movement advocates for healthy nutrition, emphasizing the importance of sustainable farming practices, community involvement, and culinary heritage preservation. Through its commitment to fostering connections between food, culture, and environment, Slow Food seeks to cultivate a more conscientious approach to eating and living.
The village is located 24 kilometers from our hotel, with a convenient travel time of 25 minutes by car.