Click here to reach Abstract Book.


*You must submit your abstracts by clicking on the "Abstract Submission" button at the bottom of the page.

*Oral and poster abstracts can be submitted. Participants can submit one oral presentation and two poster presentations as "Presenting Author." The Scientific Committee will not consider applications that violate this rule. If a presenting author submits more than the specified number of oral or poster presentations, the papers will be randomly eliminated by the Scientific Committee, and only one oral and two poster presentations will be considered.

*The referees appointed by the Scientific Committee will evaluate all submitted abstracts. In the event that the referees’ evaluations differ, the third referee’s opinion will be sought. Following the evaluations, the papers can be sent back to the author for revision, if necessary. 

*If the person who uploaded the abstract to the system and the "Presenting Author" who will attend the workshop are not the same person, the responsible author should be designated as the "Presenting Author." When uploading the abstract, the contact information of the responsible (presenting) author must be included.

*Any updates to the abstracts must be made on the same paper. Updates submitted as a new abstract will be ignored.

*Abstract must not have been previously published or presented.

*Abstracts should present original research, case studies, database analyses, and other scientific contributions by the authors.

*The authors bear scientific and legal responsibility for the proceedings. The Organization Secretariat and the Scientific Committee do not accept responsibility for intellectual property rights if the abstract book is published on the workshop web page at the end of the workshop.

*To be accepted, the author who will present the abstract must have completed the workshop registration process and paid the fee. Abstracts submitted by participants who do not register for the workshop will not be considered. If your abstract is not accepted by the referee committee, you may request a refund.

*Oral and poster abstracts that are not presented at the workshop despite having accepted will not be published in the abstract book.

*To avoid communication issues, please enter your e-mail address and mobile phone number when registering with the system.

*The Scientific Committee is not liable for missing or incorrect information.

*The Scientific Committee determines when the abstract will be presented. 

*Online submissions will be accepted and reviewed by a panel of referees.

*Oral and poster abstracts that do not follow the above-mentioned rules will be disqualified from consideration.

*At the authors' request, accepted oral abstracts can be published in full text in the abstract book.

*Full-texts should be submitted to the system by the authors who have received the acceptance letter for the abstracts by until 20 May 2024.
Asbtract Guidelines
*The presentation type must be specified as either oral or poster. The Scientific Committee may, however, change the format of the presentation based on the scientific program and the content of the paper.

*The abstract title should be written in all capital letters, with no abbreviations, and no more than 100 characters, including spaces.

*The authors' names and surnames (no titles) and the institution where they work should be completely indicated.

*The abstract text should not exceed 300 words. This restriction only applies to the abstract text; the title, author names and addresses, and keywords will be kept separate.

*Keywords should be minimum of 3, maximum of 5. Except for proper nouns, all words should be written in lower case, with no punctuation marks at the end.

*Abstracts should be structured, with subheadings such as "Objectives", "Materials-Methods" or "Case Description", "Results", "Conclusions" and "Keywords". In addition to the abstract, these headings must be mentioned in the abstract.

*Abstracts can include images, tables, or graphics.

*Abstracts are required to include references.
How to Prepare an Oral Presentation?
*The total time allotted for the presentations is 15 minutes (12 min. presentation and 3 min. discussion) each. You must submit your presentations in PPT file (16:9 ratio) to the presentation control desk at least 1 hour before your speech time.

*On our website, you can find detailed information about the session where your paper will be presented, including the presentation day, time, and session details.
How to Prepare a Poster Presentation?
*Poster papers will be presented at the workshop using an e-poster application.

*E-posters will be displayed on LCD screens. Posters should be prepared in a vertical format as a PPT file (9:16) as a single page in order to be displayed correctly on the LCD screen.

*E-posters should be uploaded to the system by 20 May 2024.