Selected papers from the BBMEC13 will be publishing a Special Issue of International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IJEAC), (www.tandfonline.com/toc/geac20/current) in late 2024. Participants are kindly invited to submit manuscripts based on their presentation(s) at the conference for possible publication in IJEAC with the intention of publishing in a Special Issue that is dedicated to the meeting.

Publication information
·       The authors should be registered to the conference. 
·       All papers will go through normal peer review process per journal standard. 
·       The special issue of all finally accepted papers will be hosted at Science Direct, retaining all original citation details.
Submission instructions
·      First-time user will need to register.
·      Please select special issue for BBMEC13 during the submission process.
·      Please follow the step-by-step guide in completing the submission procedure.
·      Submission deadline will be announced later.
·      When preparing your manuscript(s), please carefully follow the Guide to Authors of the journal. In the cover letter please mention that your manuscript is intended for the BBMEC13 Special Issue. Please note that all manuscripts will be subjected to the mandatory selection process for the journal selected, including the strict peer review procedure. Therefore, acceptance for presentation at the meeting is not a guarantee for publication in the journal.